Thanks to financial support by FEDER( Fonds Européen de Développement Régional ), the LSD project was provided with hardware for virtualisation and large data storage and processing.
The resources of 120 servers(192GB RAM, 40 cpu cores, 32 TB HDD storage) are splitted between providing virtual machines(IaaS) for user of the Univserity of Bordeaux and hosting LSD's large data platform(PaaS)
LSD's PaaS was fitted with 4 servers (192GB RAM, 40 cpu cores, 1 TB SSD storage) for critical master servers.
20 server (192 GB RAM, 40 cpu cores,1TB SSD) were added to the University of Bordeaux's Openstack cluster to provide high reliability virtual machines.
4 servers (192 GB RAM, 40 cpu cores,1TB SSD) server expanded the University of Bordeaux's Openstack cluster infrastructure to handle the inclusion of the previously mentioned serveurs.
Additional supporting network and infrastructure hardware were also supported by FEDER.